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A TOWN HAS TURNED TO DUST Playhouse 90 Rod Serling William Shatner DVD

 A TOWN HAS TURNED TO DUST Playhouse 90 Rod Serling William Shatner DVD
Item# newitem351667460

Product Description

DVD from a rare 16mm print for the live television drama "A Town Has Turned to Dust" an episode of Playhouse 90 written by Rod Serling and directed by John Frankenheimer.

A Town Has Turned to Dust: Aired June 19, 1958 - an important early teleivision play about racial inequality. From Wikipedia: "Set in a Southwestern town suffering a deep drought, poverty and despair turn racial tensions deadly when the ineffectual sheriff is unable to stand against the town. A young Mexican boy is lynched, and the town as a whole is to blame. A second lynching is in the works after a series of events leads again to the town turning against the Mexicans."

Powerful performances from a very young William Shatner and Rod Steiger, James Gregory, and Mario Alcalde. Includes original commercials from the Gas Company, Camel Cigarettes, All State Insurance, Ed Sullivan, and more.


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